
A responsive web app for managing pills and prescriptions.


In response to a brief to design a health and wellness portal, I found that users have problem managing multiple people’s health. To help solve this I designed Olive, a responsive web app that helps manage multiple people’s health and also educates the users about the pills they are taking.

The Brief

Design a responsive web app that allows health-conscious individuals to record their health and medical information, as well as access general educational and training features.

The Problem

Healthcare is hard to manage. In India, doctors are not responsible for saving patients records digitally, people keep losing them. People want to read about medication before consuming them. Additionally, people have trouble understanding doctors’ handwriting.

On top of that, when people have to take care of multiple people find it very complex to track everyone’s health.

The Result

After following the end to end design process, I reached the following solutions.

Reading Articles

Users want to read about the medicines before consuming them. Users have become consious of what is going inside their bodies and want to know about the side effects, dosage, interactions, etc. Accessibily to these articles is important to us. Users can listen to articles and change text sizes for better readability.

Analyzing Doctor’s Handwriting
and Reading the Precribed Medication

-Data Scientist, 30, Ahmedabad, India

User Personas

“As someone who doesn’t understand the doctors handwriting, I want to know the name of the medicine so that I can search online and read about it.”

Users have a hard time understanding doctor’s handwriting, to solve this problem, our A.I model decifers the doctor’s handwriting when users scan their prescription. After scanning they can read about the medication prescribed or save their prescription.

Multiple Profiles & Personalization

To make it easier to take care of multiple people for our main user, they can create different profiles. Each profile will have its own dashboard which will give them a quick view of the interactions, saved prescriptions, etc. They will also get personalized notifications on the homescreen.

Design System

User Interviews and Surveys

Gathered from the response of 25 people over the period of 4 days via Google Forms.

  • Most of them (88%) thought it was necessary to save medical records.

  • Only 12% saved medical records on their computer. Most (56%) store their medical records in the closet.

  • The majority (72%) have tried to find their old medical records. Yet most of them (50%) failed to find their records.

  • Almost half (44%) go to specific sites like Healthline, WebMD, etc. Half of them (45%) rely on top Google searches only.

Affinity Mapping from User Interviews

I made an Affinity Map to organize all my insights from user interviews and cluster them around the main features of my app. I interviewed 5 people and each session lasted for more than 30 minutes. It helped me to prioritize what’s most important and empathize with users on common pain points.

"I think it’s too much work to save medical records digitally."

"I like to read about medicines before taking them."

-Mother, 27, Ahmedabad, India

Based on the research conducted during the surveys and interviews, I was able to define my target audience. I created two main personas representing users of my app to be able to better understand their behaviors, needs and goals. This also allows the team to empathize with the users during every phase of the project and design the app features with that in mind.

Anjali wants an organization system for the medical records of her family and Naina is driven by her motivation to read and dive deep into understanding the medicines she wants to take and share her knowlege with family.

User Task Flows

A user flow lays out the user’s movement throughout the product, mapping out each and every step the user takes—from entry point right through to the final confirmation.
User flows helped me to understand how the users will make decisions to reach their final goals. This process helps use to eliminate steps that are not required and create a flow state for the user to achieve his goal in the most efficient way possible.



World Bee Project

