
In response to a brief to design a health and wellness portal, I found that users have problem managing multiple people’s health. To help solve this I designed Olive, a responsive web app that helps manage multiple people’s health and also educates the users about the pills they are taking.

A mockup of a smartphone app with the title Olive, with a large scan prescription button at the top of the page and a preview card for an article about the medicine melatonin below it

The brief

Design a responsive web app that allows health-conscious individuals to record their health and medical information, as well as access general educational and training features.

The problem

Healthcare is hard to manage. In India, doctors are not responsible for saving patients records digitally, people keep losing them. People want to read about medication before consuming them. Additionally, people have trouble understanding doctors’ handwriting.

On top of that, when people have to take care of multiple people find it very complex to track everyone’s health.

A mockup of Olive's layout on a large screen like a laptop's A mockup of Olive's layout on a medium screen like a tablet's A mockup of Olive's layout on a small screen like a smartphone's

Responsive web app: homepage view

The result

After following the end to end design process, I reached the following solutions.

Analyzing doctors' handwriting and reading the prescribed medication

Users have a hard time understanding doctor’s handwriting, to solve this problem, our A.I .model deciphers the doctor’s handwriting when users scan their prescription. After scanning they can read about the medication prescribed or save their prescription.

Reading articles

Users want to read about the medicines before consuming them. Users have become consious of what is going inside their bodies and want to know about the side effects, dosage, interactions, etc. Accessibily to these articles is important to us. Users can listen to articles and change text sizes for better readability.

Multiple profiles and personalization

To make it easier to take care of multiple people for our main user, they can create different profiles. Each profile will have its own dashboard which will give them a quick view of the interactions, saved prescriptions, etc. They will also get personalized notifications on the homescreen.

Design thinking

Empathize and discover

In this phase, I understood the brief, gathered insights from existing products, empathize with the potential users and discover their needs, goals and frustrations.

Competitive analysis

I started my research with understanding the competitors in the medical records and medical knowlege base industry. In particular to get a better understanding of the competitors' strengths and weaknesses, I researched Healthily and Healthline as they are two main players in the medical content for the Indian market. I chose Healthily as it helped me understand personalization and Healthline to understand their knowledge base.

I researched their market position, marketing profile, SWOT analysis, tone of voice. I identified the main features and user flows, and conducted a more in depth UX audit focusing on aspects such as navigation, layout, UI, call to action and differentiation.

UX audit of Healthily and Healthline

User interviews and surveys


To have a better understanding of user needs and the challenges that they are facing, I conducted surveys and user interviews. I aimed to understand user general behaviours and experiences towards:

Key insights from survey

Gathered from the response of 25 people over the period of 4 days via Google forms.

Affinity mapping from user interviews

I made an Affinity Map to organize all my insights from user interviews and cluster them around the main features of my app. Each session lasted for more than 30 mins. It helped me to prioritize what’s most important and empathize with users on common pain points.

Affinity mapping from User Interviews

Key insights from interviews

Notable quotes

I think it's too much work to save medical records digitally. — Participant 1, data scientist, 30, Ahmedabad, India

I like to read about medicines before taking them. — Participant 2, mother, 27, Ahmedabad, India

User personas

Based on the research conducted during the surveys and interviews, I was able to define my target audience. I created two main personas representing users of my app to be able to better understand their behaviors, needs and goals. This also allows the team to empathize with the users during every phase of the project and design the app features with that in mind.

Anjali wants an organization system for the medical records of her family and Naina is driven by her motivation to read and dive deep into understanding the medicines she wants to take and share her knowlege with family.

Anjali's persona

Naina's persona


In the define phase of the project, I defined the main features of the app which would help our personas to reach their goals.

Defining directions

1. Desiging for a specific circumstance

I decided to design just for precriptions as they can be easily uploaded to the app, storing and organizing them allows for easy access and managing the refills. Additionally, Olive’s knowledge base allows users to read about the medications they are taking and learn what is going on inside their bodies.

2. Giving users immediate benefit

Just helping users to save records is not enough. They can save it in their computer or some cloud storge services. To be more than a filing cabinet and give users immediate benefit, I added a feature that allows users’ to identify the doctors handwriting by using A.I. technology. This will motivate users to scan their precriptions and read about them and eventually save

3. Multiple profiles and personalization

Taking care of multiple people's pills and prescriptions can be quite hard. Users can easily lose track of their pills and interactions. To solve this problem users can create multiple profiles and catalog all relevant information on a dashboard.


MVP will give me an insight into the functionality of the app or product in the early stages when adjustments are faster and easier. Once it was clear what I wanted to achieve from this project, I listed all the main features and explained why it was necessary to have them.

User journey maps

I tried to create an ideal journey for some particular tasks our users might try to finish. While trying to do so, I tried to forecast any friction point users might face while trying to achieve their goal. This helped me to identify opportunities which will help me to create a better experience for our users.

User Journey Map for Anjali

User Journey Map for Naina


User flows

A user flow lays out the user’s movement throughout the product, mapping out each and every step the user takes—from entry point right through to the final confirmation.

User flows helped me to understand how the users will make decisions to reach their final goals. This process helps us to eliminate steps that are not required and create a flow state for the user to achieve his goal in the most efficient way possible.

Saving prescriptions


“As someone who has to keep track of whole family’s medical records, I want to keep everyone’s medical records in one place, so that I can always find them when I need them.”

Task analysis
Success criteria

When she uploads all her documents and reads the medical terms.

User Flow to save prescriptions

Reading terms


“As someone who doesn’t understand the doctors handwriting, I want to know the name of the medicine so that I can search online and read about it.”

Task Analysis
Success Criteria

When she finds out the name of the medicine and taps on it to read about it.

User Flow to read the terms

Information architecture

Information architecture focuses on organizing, structuring, and labeling content in an effective way. The goal is to help users find information easily so that they can complete their tasks.

Sitemap before card sorting

In order to create a bird’s eye view of the entire project, I made a site map based on my conceptual model. I gave them labels and assigned hierarchy.

Site map designed before card sorting

Card sorting

To test whether my conceptual model matched with the users mental model. I conducted an closed card sorting exercise using Optimal Workshop. Five participants completed the exercise by arranging seventeen cards in seperate categories. The result were as follows:

Similarity Matrix from card sorting activity

Insights from Card Sorting Exercize

I assumed users would create a seperate category for saved things, instead the users just wanted the saved articles with articles.

Card sorting helped me build the structure of the website. The navigation and categories became more clear after card sorting was conducted.

Site Map after Card Sorting

Design, test, and iterate

In this phase, I designed various fidelity of designs and tested them with potential users and made new versions based on usability testing.


After having a good idea on the information architecture, I started to sketch out my idea using pen, so I could easily experiment with different layouts and ideas. I focused on highlighting the core features, and created multiple versions of each screen until I found a good combination of features and elements that matched the users needs.


Progression to low to high fidelity: Homepage

Save prescription

Progression to low to high fidelity: Save Prescription

User testing

Remote and In-person user testing sessions were conducted with 6 participants. The test focused on four main features:

Test goals

Affinity mapping

I was recording all the sessions conducted on Zoom and in-person. I was also taking notes during the session. To organize all my insights, I used affinity mapping as a tool.

Affinity mapping from usability testing

Pain point priority

It is important to structure the findings in a way that your team understands. The rainbow spreadsheet helps to prioritize issues from high to low importance. It gives clarity on which issues to resolve and helps the team to make decisions based on concrete findings.

Rainbow Spreadsheet report from Usability Testing

Design evolution

Based on the rainbow spreadsheet, I started working on the issues. I tried to come up with solutions that will help resolve the issues.

1. Issue: "Can't find med list"

Priority: High

Evidence: 2 users out of 6 had trouble finding the list. Not finding the list will frustate users as they have spent a lot of time in saving it.

Suggested change: Accessing med list directly from profile menu.

2. Issue: Save changes button is confusing

Priority: High

Evidence: 3 users out of 6 were confused with the save changes button.

Suggested change: Changing buttons from 'Save' to 'Login to save' and changing the drop down menu to a clickable option might be a better solution.

3. Issue: Add condition button is confusing

Priority: Medium

Evidence: 4 users out of 6 had trouble understanding what the add condition button means.

Suggested change: Remove the add condition button from the article page and ask the user in the end of the article in detail.

High-fidelity prototype

After resolving the main issues with the mid fidelity prototype, I moved on to create a high fidelity version using Figma. Here I tried to represent my pages as realistically as possible. I made some key decisions about the look and feel of the product. The main goal was to evoke a sense of calmness and appear trustworthy, sincere, and friendly.

A variety of mobile screens from the Olive app

Preference testing

I conducted few preference tests to understand what patterns users would prefer. In this case I was curious to know which pattern is the most intuitive for the users to change the text sizes of the article.

The test was done online using Usabilityhub and 13 participants recorded their responses.

Preference testing for how users prefer to change text sizes

Design system and hand-off

In this phase, I focused on structuring the information in a way that will be easy for designers and developers to consume. I also focused on communicating effectively.

Design system

To create a set of reusable components which can be used consistently throughout the app and to hand over the components to the developers design language system were created.

Design system makes collaboration easy between designers and developers and clearly defines all the behaviors, different states of the components, and a visual language which makes it easy to build things in the future.

Design system included guidelines on the usage of logo, typography, colors, navigation, cards, snackbars, imagery, tone of voice, accessibilty guidelines, form fields, buttons, icons, floating action button, responsive grids, etc.

Part of design system for Article Cards

Developer handoff

The relationship between designers and developers is crucial. From the start to finish I would constantly be in touch with them. They will be part of the sprint reviews.

I will ask them various questions about the frameworks and technical constraints I should be aware off before designing.

I will use Zeplin to hand off the finalized screens. I will make detailed notes to explain how particular interactions work.

Screen from Zeplin explaining interaction design


Structure and Organization: I learned that everything you do as a UX designer needs to be structured in a way that is easy for others to consume. When there is structure it is easy to collaborate and communicate with other. In this project, I learned how to apply structure to all aspects of my design process. eg) Affinity mapping, Personas, Design System, findings from Usability tests, designing wireframes.

Setting Goals: What is the purpose of doing any activity should be defined, only then we can lead in the right direction or we may get lost.

User at the centre: Ask, Observe and Test with users at all different stages in your design process. Their input will be the most valuable.

Next steps

Design for different types of records: Eventually we would want users to scan all types of medical records. They will be able to read about all the difficult medical terms they have trouble understanding.

Design for a multiple languages: This might affect my current design system. A strong Translation Management System like Phrase might be helpful.

Design for Errors: What will happen when the A.I algorithm suggests something that is not accurate? The user should be able to report this.